Foot wounds and ulcers are not only extremely painful but they can also cause life-threatening complications. There are different types of ulcers, but taking care of them the right way will often help make them easier to manage.
Prevent the Ulcers from Happening
There are many things you can do to help prevent ulcers from happening. Keep your feet dry and keep them moisturized at all times. Don’t let them sit in socks soaked with perspiration but also don’t let them become dry and cracked either. There’s a delicate balance between feet moisturized properly and feet that are wet.
Maintain Your Health with Ulcers
Even if you already have wounds on your feet, there are things you can do to help maintain your health with the ulcers. You may want to consider exercises to help circulation get to your feet again. Talk with your doctor about the recommended course for staying healthy with foot pain.
Visit a Podiatrist
Not all podiatrists are created equal. For example, Jere A. Scola is a podiatrist specializing in wound and ulcer care. You should visit a podiatrist who knows a lot about your situation and isn’t afraid to help you get the care you need. A specialist will always know what your feet need and how they can heal better if they have the right treatment. Although visiting a specialist may seem unnecessary, it will help you improve all the problems you have from your foot wounds and ulcers.
Follow All Plans for Ulcer Care
If your podiatrist gives you a plan to treat your foot ulcers or wounds, follow it. Don’t skip any steps. Even if you feel as though the ulcers are getting better, you still need to follow the plan for care. Do the plan until you follow up with your podiatrist and they release you from doing it. Additionally, talk with your podiatrist about what you can do to prevent the ulcers from coming back in the future. Prevention is often the best form of medicine you can use for your feet.
Since food ulcers and wounds can lead to major complications like amputation and even death, do what you can to take care of them in every way possible. Understanding how to prevent them and how to take care of them if you do get them drastically increases your chances of staying free of complications from the ulcers or wounds.
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